Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Adding A Pool? You MUST Know This About Your Gas Meter!

If you have or are thinking of getting a new pool installed you need to read this! If you are going to add a pool heater on to your homes existing gas meter 99% of the time, you are going to need to get your meter changed out by questar gas company! There are a couple of ways to do this to keep it cheaper for you but keep in mind that if you have a pool built and the contractor just throws a heater in there with out having questar gas come to your home, It is probably installed wrong! Please do your research on this for it is causing home owners thousands. It is an unforeseen problem that even your pool builder has no idea the problems that he has created for you!
Underground gas lines should only be installed by a licensed Plumber OR H.V.A.C contractor!
Some problems we've seen have been..
- Poor flame height, due to lack of gas.The heater may seem to be operating ok to you but inside is where the problems are. This will cause huge amounts of carbon to build up on the flame sensor and you will be calling every year for a new flame sensor to be installed because your heater either will not stay lit or will repeatable shut off and try to fire again! We had one call last year that the homeowners had just an in ground hot tub. The meter was not changed out and they said the tub took between 14-16 hrs to get it up to temp. This was caused by lack of fuel. This will result in the heater burning a very small flame for a very long time and killing your hard earned pay checks when your gas bill arrives. Also make note that we have found that unless you are changing the gas pressure on your home, 80% of the time, your new gas line didn't even get inspected! DEMAND an inspection on any underground gas line.!

-Another huge problem we are finding is many landscaping contractors who are installing gas are using short wand risers! These have been BANNED by Questar gas and are no longer allowed to be installed in the state of Utah unless certain guidelines with questar gas are met. In other words, If someone ran underground gas at your home or business, and you can see any of the yellow pipe that they installed after all is said and done, It is against code.

-Gas pipe buried with electrical. This is a big no no and any plumber or h.v.a.c contractor can tell you that, but pool contractors and landscapers won't! Why, because they don't know! They only know that it is a lot cheaper to do it themselves than to have a licensed contractor do it for them. It is a lot easier for them to just tie into your meter(Regardless of how much gas can pass through your meter) and call it good. Use caution with this!

-Fire pits. These little babies are popping up every where and we have installed hundreds. But some people are still installing them incorrectly to try and cut corners. If you have a Dante valve installed in your pit, Make sure it is in the side of your pit and not 2 or 3 feet away from your pit sitting face up! The Dante valve is a valve that has a shiny face on it and requires a key. Many are installed wrong! If they are installed in the flooring around your pit, you are probably going to have problems with it. The reason is dirt! Dirt gets down in these things and starts chewing away at the o ring that seals it.! Once it is gone , you have a gas leak and if it is concrete, well you have a major problem! Also inside the fire pits, the pipe should be ran in stainless steel! These things sit out in the weather all year and if you have black iron pipe in the pit and you have dirt around it, well your gonna have a leak! Dirt contains moisture and if it is sitting on the pipe, it will rust!

Just make sure you have done your homework with the gas part of your remodels or pools or whatever your project is.It could end up costing you!
If you are ever in doubt of any gas related problem or concerns please email us at Or call jeramy @ 435-229-9961