Sunday, June 19, 2011

Your Pool contractor running his own gas....

Be very careful of this!! There are a couple contractors down here in good ol St.George that are trying to run their own gas lines...basically trying to skim on costs! They will tell you they have their RMGA Certificate which you would assume they are licensed to do gas work!! NOT TRUE!! This certificate is for employees of employers to show they have some knowledge of gas to protect you, the homeowner!! It is now working against you! These people you think are licensed to do gas, will be installing your gas lines after taking a 3 hour , 100 question exam and almost all have no prior experience with gas!!
WE ARE REPAIRING ALL THEIR LOUSY INSTALLS!! This is costing hundreds sometimes even thousands!! Please be sure you have a gas contractor, not your pool contractor installing and hooking up your gas lines!! The money or life you save could be your own!!
You have been warned!!
SERIOUSLY, Even if you do not end up using Dixie Gas Lines Plus LLC, Please be sure your pool contractor is not installing these lines!! They know everything about pools, but nothing about gas!! It will bite you down the road!!